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Shropshire Ghosts, Folklore and Forteana

Black Human Shape

Location: A442 - Between Telford and Bridgenorth
Type: Unknown Ghost Type
Date / Time: 11 March 2009, 20:00h, and 20 November 2021, 19:30h
Further Comments: In 2009, halfway between Telford and Bridgenorth, both passenger and driver of a car spotted a black human shape wearing a long coat, on the side of the road. They thought the figure would step out in front of the car, but it disappeared before doing so. Twelve years later, another couple in a vehicle witnessed a dark figure wearing a long coat on the side of the road. The figure vanished as oncoming headlights appeared.

A photograph of Acton Burnell Castle, copyright 2006 Lawson Clout.

Girl in White Lace

Location: Acton Burnell - Acton Burnell Castle
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 2004
Further Comments: A ghostly girl dressed in white lace is said to haunt this ruined site. A student managed to photograph a strange misty 'face' in 2004 and reported hearing scratching noises. (Image copyright 2006 Lawson Clout)


Location: Acton Burnell - Acton Burnell house
Type: Unknown Ghost Type
Date / Time: Unknown
Further Comments: This spirit only appeared once, entering a bedroom and announcing 'Mass is at eight o'clock' before disappearing.

Laid by the Devil

Location: Acton Burnell - Devil's Causeway, between village and Cardington
Type: Legend - Old Nick
Date / Time: Unknown
Further Comments: It was said Old Nick created this old road in a single night. He was said to appear to anyone using the road at midnight, taking the form of a man on a white horse (although he had the horns and feet of a cow). If the person encountering him had a good soul, they could pass unheeded. If they had led an evil life, the Devil would beat them to a bloodied pulp.

Demonic Frogs

Location: Acton Burnell - Frog Well
Type: Legend - Old Nick
Date / Time: Still present?
Further Comments: The Devil and three imps are said to live here, manifesting in the form of frogs. While the imps are happy to be seen, Old Nick takes the form of a larger frog and spends most of the time hiding away.


Location: Albrighton - Cosford Aerospace Museum
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Unknown
Further Comments: The last remaining Avro Lincoln Bomber situated here is said to be haunted by a pilot seen in the cockpit, while a tape recorder left on board overnight picked up the sounds of a busy airport, though the hangar and the area were devoid of life.

Landing Craft

Location: Albrighton - RAF Cosford (now Aerospace Museum)
Type: UFO
Date / Time: December 1963
Further Comments: This ufo report was based on a story made up by two young people returning late from a leave pass. As time went on, the story grew, and it eventually became that an UFO had touched down near a hangar on the base, and was recovered and removed for reverse engineering.

Hooded Monk

Location: Ash Magna - Ash Grange
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 1970s
Further Comments: A motorcyclist reported seeing a ghostly monk, his face covered by a hood, floating around thirty centimetres from the ground.

Floating Figure

Location: Ash Magna - Road just outside of Ash Magna
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 1970s
Further Comments: Seen several years apart by two brothers, a floating figure is reported to haunt a road just outside of this village.

Hannah Phillips

Location: Astley Abbots - Main road through the village
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Twentieth century
Further Comments: Hannah died a few days before her wedding day, slipping into the river where she drowned. Her ghost, wearing a long dark dress, has been observed by motorists along the road.

Mad Jack

Location: Atcham - Mytton and Mermaid Hotel
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 30 September (reoccurring)
Further Comments: John 'Mad Jack' Mytton was a local eccentric who lived with 2000 dogs and 60 cats while drinking six bottles of port per day. His money eventually ran out and he died in a debtors' prison. However, once a year on his birthday, his ghost is reputed to visit the hotel that has now taken his name.

Tom Moody

Location: Barrow - Willey Hall
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Unknown
Further Comments: Tom was paranoid about being buried alive and took elaborate steps to ensure it never happened. His phantom still walks the hall, often accompanied by one of his favourite hounds.

Sunken Bells

Location: Baschurch - Berth Pool
Type: Legend
Date / Time: Unknown
Further Comments: When the nearby church construction was delayed by a supernatural agency, the bells were said to have been cast into the pool. Neither horse nor ox were able to drag the bells out, so they remain to this day. The site has also been proposed as a burial site for Owain Ddantgwyn, named by some as King Arthur.

Sunken Stones

Location: Baschurch - Church and Berth Hill
Type: Legend
Date / Time: Unknown
Further Comments: The original Baschurch church was going to be constructed on Berth Hill, but after each day's work, the stones were pulled down and thrown into a nearby pool. When the construction site was changed, no further delays were experienced.

Headless Man

Location: Baschurch - General area
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Unknown, but may have been heard 17 October 2009, around 22:30h
Further Comments: Having hanged himself, this headless gentleman is reported to still drive his horse and trap around the neighbourhood. One witness heard a horse passing close to her late at night, but nothing could be seen.

Cries for Help

Location: Benthall - Benthall Edge - area of former limestone pit
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Unknown
Further Comments: A man carrying the week's wages for his mining crew was robbed and buried alive in this area in the late nineteenth century. Cries and screams are still reported coming from his living grave.

Owd Scriven o' Brompton

Location: Berrington - Area once known as Banky Piece (no longer exists) and church
Type: ABC
Date / Time: Circa fifteenth century
Further Comments: The wooden effigy on display in the church is known as 'Owd Scriven o' Brompton', and is said to have been a knight who encountered a lion in the area. The knight managed to slay the big cat, although was left with a large scar on his face, which is visible in the effigy.

Caught in the Tread

Location: Bishops Castle - Lea Stone, located near the castle ruins
Type: Legend - Old Nick
Date / Time: Stone still present
Further Comments: The Lea Stone was created when the Devil picked the rock from his boot and tossed it aside.

Meeting Point

Location: Bishops Castle - Stiperstones (aka Stiper Stones)
Type: Legend - Old Nick
Date / Time: 21 December (reoccurring)
Further Comments: It is a curious local legend that states that once a year all the ghosts in the UK meet at the stones, one assumes for their AGM. Another story says that if the stones ever sink into the earth, England shall be ruined; the Devil occasionally sits on the stones to speed up the process.

The sword of Wild Edric.

Edric's Sword

Location: Bomere Heath - Pool (may no longer exist)
Type: Legend
Date / Time: Unknown
Further Comments: Legend has it that Wild Edric's sword was placed in a pool on the heath, ready for the day that Edric was ready to wield it once more. The blade was protected by a magical fish, which may or may not have used the sword to cut through fishermen's nets.


Location: Bomere Heath - Private residence
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Mid-1970s
Further Comments: Two brothers stopped playing and ran and hid after spotting a ghostly grey knight standing at the top of their staircase. One of the brothers also reported waking at night to see a man smoking a pipe at the foot of his bed, while their mother said she had seen faces while on the staircase.

Running Lady

Location: Bomere Heath - Small road between Bomere Heath and Walford, near the railway bridge
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Winter 2005
Further Comments: A driver and his wife watched an elderly lady wearing grey with a headscarf run across the road ahead of them. The scene was weird, as the figure looked wispy, and her clothes appeared to be moving slower than the woman herself. Stranger still, while the driver had watched her cross the road from the left hand side, his wife saw her cross from the right.


Location: Boningale - Horns of Boningale Inn
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Unknown
Further Comments: A drover murdered in a fight is reputed to haunt this inn. An energy-conscious poltergeist is also said to switch lights off during the night.


Location: Bridgnorth - Boycott Arms public house
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Unknown
Further Comments: Walter is said to be the ghost of a former landlord who now haunts the pub.

Woman in Black

Location: Bridgnorth - Croft Hotel
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Unknown
Further Comments: A mystery woman in black is said to haunt the dining room. Bells have been heard ringing in other parts of the hotel after dark.

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