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Home > Lincoln

Lincoln Ghosts, Folklore and Forteana

Black Horse restaurant, Lincoln.

Grey Lady

Location: Lincoln - Black Horse restaurant
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 1980s onward
Further Comments: Wearing a long dress, this phantom woman caused one cleaner to run away terrified. The ghost has also been seen standing outside the building - the witness this time described the woman has having a blurry face. The pub is also reportedly plagued by general poltergeist behaviour.

Browns Pie Shop, Lincoln.


Location: Lincoln - Browns Pie Shop - restaurant
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Unknown
Further Comments: Staff have nicknamed this young phantom lad Humphrey. He occasionally appears to run around the shop. A young girl is also said to haunt the building, as is the sound of money being counted.

Castle Hill Club, Lincoln.

Bottom Pincher

Location: Lincoln - Castle Hill Club
Type: Poltergeist
Date / Time: 2000s?
Further Comments: This mischievous spirit is reported to pinch the bottoms of unsuspecting visitors.

Cobb Hall, Lincoln.

Lady in Black

Location: Lincoln - Cobb Hall
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Unknown
Further Comments: This horrid ghost reportedly once tried to push a young child down the staircase, saved only by the quick reflexes of the father who then watched the woman disappear.

Young Boy

Location: Lincoln - Coffee shop (exact location withheld)
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Circa 2011
Further Comments: It was reported the presence of a young boy had been spotted close to the toilets in this coffee shop. One member of staff spotted a middle aged man in a grey suit upstairs in the cafe just as the shop was closing and empty of customers. When the member of staff went upstairs to speak to the man, he had vanished.

Young Man

Location: Lincoln - Cornhill Vaults public house
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 2000s?
Further Comments: A member of staff was left puzzled after seeing a young man with a collarless shirt walk up to the bar vanish when she turned her back for a few seconds. The only other customer in the bar denied seeing any one in the first place.

Dark Shadows

Location: Lincoln - Council house along Prial Avenue
Type: Poltergeist
Date / Time: 2004 - February 2010
Further Comments: Jade Callaby reported to local media that she had experienced poltergeist occurrences over a six year period, including dark shadows which appeared without source, electrical items which turned themselves on and off, and strange banging noises.

County Assembly Rooms, Lincoln.


Location: Lincoln - County Assembly Rooms, Bailgate
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Late twentieth century
Further Comments: A phantom Cavalier was spotted by a member of staff near the ballroom, before vanishing into the preverbal thin air. Other staff members are reportedly too afraid to venture down into the basement after hearing strange noises.

Edward King's House, Lincoln.

Guardian Angel?

Location: Lincoln - Edward King's House
Type: Other
Date / Time: Late nineteenth century
Further Comments: Two would-be robbers who had lured the bishop from his home in the late nineteenth century were deterred from committing the crime by a large figure they saw leave the house escorting the man of the cloth. When one of the criminals confessed his intention to the bishop many years later, the bishop was very surprised as he had been travelling by himself on that night.

Exchequergate House, Lincoln.

Evil Presence

Location: Lincoln - Exchequergate House
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Late twentieth century
Further Comments: The cellar of this building, formally a tourist information centre, had such a repressive feeling that staff would never go down unaccompanied. Faces have been reported looking out of the windows, even after the building has been locked up for the night.

Steep Hill, Lincoln.

Open the Gates!

Location: Lincoln - Flat area at top of Steep Hill, outside castle gate
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 1992 (horseman), and sometime between 2009 and 2012 (breath)
Further Comments: A night worker returning home early in the morning was unnerved as a man riding a black horse charged by him. As the rider approached the locked castle gates, he screamed 'Open the gates! Open the gates!' before vanishing near the still closed entrance. Another witness reported feeling breathing on the back of the neck, hearing strange footsteps and seeing shadows.

Great Hall, Lincoln.

White Woman

Location: Lincoln - Great Hall, near Edward King's House
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Unknown
Further Comments: The woman who haunts this building may be connected to the skull which is bricked up within a wall. The skull once stood in a room, but when it was removed from the building it started to scream. The owners decided it would be for the best to brick it up in a wall to prevent future accidental removal.

Green Dragon pub, Lincoln.

Mary Cooper

Location: Lincoln - Green Dragon public house
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 1990s
Further Comments: The ghost which haunts this public house is said to be Mary Cooper, who once worked in the building prior to be becoming a pub. She has been seen smoking a pipe, and is blamed when bottles are found broken, beer pumps are turned off, and for once snapping a kitchen knife in two.

Greestone Stairs, Lincoln.

Rolling Head

Location: Lincoln - Greestone Stairs
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 2000s
Further Comments: A phantom, rolling head is reported to bounce down this steep area, bowling over anyone not quick enough to move out of the way! The area has also had reports of phantom monks and a ghostly woman holding a baby.

Blonde Girl

Location: Lincoln - Home Nightclub
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Circa 2015
Further Comments: It was reported that, while alone, one member of staff spotted a blonde girl sitting on a stool. She vanished as the member of staff looked back in that direction. It is said people would hear their names being called when alone.

Victorian Children

Location: Lincoln - Jesters fancy dress shop
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 2000s
Further Comments: Owners of the shop, Hazel Smith and her son James, and another employee reported that the building is haunted by Victorian children.

Jew's House Restaurant, Lincoln.


Location: Lincoln - Jew's House - restaurant
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 1990s
Further Comments: Reports from this establishment claim the phantom footsteps can be heard on the staircase, while the top floor and attic are said to be particularly haunted. One witness reported hearing voices in the passageways and pots and pans being moved around in the empty kitchen.

Name Caller

Location: Lincoln - Jolly Brewer public house
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 2000s
Further Comments: Members of staff have reported hearing a voice which calls them by name, but they can never find who or what is responsible.

Lincoln Cathedral, Lincolnshire.


Location: Lincoln - Lincoln Cathedral
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 05 December 2004
Further Comments: This seventeenth century holy man has been seen climbing the steps at the front of the cathedral. The last witnesses to see him reported a chain hanging from his neck. The bells have also been pealed by an unseen hand, while legend says a procession of praying monks haunt the cloisters. A suicidal woman named Constance who jumped from the tower during the 1960s returns to re-enact her final, desperate action. Finally, an immovable bloodstain is said to remain on the floor where a stained glass window master landed after leaping from the gallery - he became depressed after his apprentice created a superior window from the master's off-cuts.

The Lincoln Imp in the Lincoln Cathedral.

The Lincoln Imp

Location: Lincoln - Lincoln Cathedral
Type: Legend
Date / Time: Unknown
Further Comments: This little creature created chaos in the cathedral, until a passing angel transformed him to stone. He now sits high up within the cathedral.


Location: Lincoln - Lincoln City Football Club
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 2001-2004, & November 2009
Further Comments: In 2009 the Shadow Seekers Paranormal Investigation Team reported recording disembodied voices in the football ground, with most activity recorded at 'the dugout'. A former worker had claimed a few years prior to this they had spotted a shadow walk across the pitch and felt a presence in the director's room, which was described as 'playful'.

Lion and Snake pub, Lincoln.

Woman with her Hair in a Bun

Location: Lincoln - Lion and Snake public house
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 1980s
Further Comments: This pub claims to have at least two ghosts. One takes the form of an old woman with her grey haired tied up in a bun - she is said to look completely solid and has been mistaken for a real person on one occasion. Another entity takes the form of a scruffy man and has been observed vanishing through a solid wall.

Spring Heeled Jack

Location: Lincoln - Newport Arch
Type: Other
Date / Time: Circa October 1877
Further Comments: While being chased by a mob, Spring Heeled Jack jumped on to the arch where he was shot by one of his pursuers. The bullet had no effect, and Jack vanished into the night.

Observatory Tower in the Lincoln Castle.

Cold Presence

Location: Lincoln - Observatory Tower, Lincoln Castle
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: April 2004
Further Comments: A family reported a strange cold feeling come over them as they climbed this tower, and a photograph they took of the building revealed a strange figure. Several years previous, another pair of witnesses reported seeing two figures in front of them who vanished when they reached the top of the staircase.

The external wall of Lincoln Castle.

Clark's Dog

Location: Lincoln - Outside Lincoln Castle walls
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Unknown
Further Comments: This malnourished hound, once owned by a criminal hanged nearby, spent the rest of its life as a minor celebrity and now is occasionally spotted lurking around the castle walls.

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