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Liverpool Ghosts, Folklore and Forteana

The Devil in chains.

The Demons Below See

Location: Liverpool - Monk's Well, Wavertree
Type: Legend - Old Nick
Date / Time: Still present (but a flower bed)
Further Comments: This old well has the words 'Qui non dat quod habet, Daemon infra vide 1414' carved above it. It was said that any traveller passing would have no choice but to drink the waters and give a donation to charity, otherwise the Devil (chained under the well) would laugh.

Coal Thrower

Location: Liverpool - Myers Street, Smithdown Lane (no longer exists)
Type: Poltergeist
Date / Time: March 1901
Further Comments: Many of the windows along this street were broken by thrown pieces of coal. The breakages continued after police began patrolling the area.


Location: Liverpool - Newsham Park Hospital
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: January 2015
Further Comments: A team of French film makers reportedly encountered children's voices, and a strange white mist while at this site. The former hospital grounds has a reputation for being haunted by a small child on the top floor, while dragging sounds have been reported elsewhere and small items associated with childhood thrown around.

Screeching Ginny

Location: Liverpool - Old Garston Dock Station, and St Mary's Road, Garston
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 15 November 1959
Further Comments: The local witch known as Screeching Ginny appeared and gave chase to a group of school children who were playing on the disused tracks of the railway station. Folklore says the witch fell in love with a local boy but it was unrequited; as the boy left the area with his girlfriend on a train, Ginny threw herself on the tracks and died. Although the station is long gone, the witch still haunts the area.

Cloaked Figure

Location: Liverpool - Old Rectory, Walton
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: September 1985
Further Comments: A firefighter tackling a blaze in the former rectory believed he spotted a figure standing by the engine, although no one was there at the time. The building had a reputation as being haunted by the ghost of a cloaked figure.

Screaming Woman

Location: Liverpool - Private flat, West Derby
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 1994
Further Comments: Two students sought help from a medium after enduring a phantom woman in her fifties who would scream during the night and call out the name 'Shelley Jones'. On one occasion the students returned to find the message 'get out' written out on the floor using their socks.

Upstairs Bangs

Location: Liverpool - Private house along Sackville Street
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Mid twentieth century
Further Comments: The upper part of the building was subjected to multiple bangs and crashes with no apparent source - the entity was also blamed for pushing a woman down the stairs, causing injuries that required hospital treatment.

Young Boy

Location: Liverpool - Private residence, Breeze Hill
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 2000
Further Comments: A photograph taken by the family here showed a smiling young lad, around fourteen years of age, standing behind the sofa. On a different occasion, the father of the family asked the phantom to make him a cup of tea, after mistaking the entity as one of his sons.


Location: Liverpool - Private residence, Breeze Hill, Walton
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Late twentieth century
Further Comments: A former slave named George may have been responsible for this haunting, during which one man was slapped in the face as he lay in bed. Another person who rented the property left in tears, claiming he had been chased out by some form of angry spirit.

Moving Ornaments

Location: Liverpool - Private residence, Clubmoor
Type: Poltergeist
Date / Time: 1979 - 1984
Further Comments: A family moved out of their property after enduring many strange events, including lights which switched themselves on and off, doors that opened unaided, and ornaments that moved by an unseen hand. A local press story claimed a vicar and housing officials also witnessed paranormal activity.


Location: Liverpool - Private residence, Conleach Road
Type: Poltergeist
Date / Time: July 1985
Further Comments: It was claimed that a poltergeist which started throwing items around in this property was witnessed by both occupants and police.

Encyclopaedia Moving

Location: Liverpool - Private residence, Hale Road, Speke
Type: Poltergeist
Date / Time: 1982-1986
Further Comments: An outbreak of poltergeist tricks occurred in this property, including a set of twenty encyclopaedia moving from a chest of drawers to a table, a toilet flushing itself and bangs and knocks. Shadows of people would also appear on the walls of the living room.

Floating Shadow

Location: Liverpool - Private residence, Holt Street
Type: Crisis Manifestation
Date / Time: 1956
Further Comments: A mother of two awoke in the early hours of the morning to see a shadow glide past her bed and move towards her daughter's room. As it moved, the entity turned its head to the woman, as if watching her. It vanished through the wall to the child's room. The woman was convinced that the shadow was a message that one of her children would die, and within a week, her daughter passed away.


Location: Liverpool - Private residence, Huyton area
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 2005
Further Comments: Lights would turn themselves on and the smell of tobacco would fill the air. One visitor to the site reported seeing a black figure pass a bedroom door. The haunting was blamed on a former chain-smoking occupant who had died prior to the new owners moving in.

Victorian Woman

Location: Liverpool - Private residence, Old Swan area
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Late 1980s
Further Comments: A witness staying at this property watched as a woman in Victorian clothing manifested close to him. The woman was grey and transparent, and moved in a weird, juddering way. The witness threw his bedcovers over him head in panic, waking his girlfriend who, after turning on the light, asked, 'you've seen her, haven't you?'. The witness only ever spotted the Victorian woman once.

Bouncing Ball

Location: Liverpool - Private residence, Old Swan area
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 2000s
Further Comments: Over a three year period, the five occupants of this detected house would hear a bouncing ball the source of which could never discovered. The bouncing was originally heard coming from the attic but eventually spread to the entire house and would occasionally wake the occupants late at night.


Location: Liverpool - Private residence, Old Swan area
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 1970
Further Comments: A property here was said to contain something that would try to push occupants down the stairs and generate a bad smell.

Water Water Everywhere

Location: Liverpool - Private residence, Walton
Type: Poltergeist
Date / Time: 1980s-2010s
Further Comments: This property has been subjected to dozens of water-related occurrences, including a leaking roof (although six roofers could not find a leak), water pouring through open windows, and an unexplained flood in the basement, where the water disappeared as quickly as it came.


Location: Liverpool - Private residences, Edge Hill area
Type: Poltergeist
Date / Time: 1986/87
Further Comments: Footsteps which shook the bedroom were felt by two witnesses at different times, while a 'swishing' was heard as if someone were walking toward the kitchen and brushing the wall with clothing on several occasions. Large metal objects such as baking tins and colanders mysteriously disappeared and were never found. Another house on the same road reported poltergeist activity with heavy furniture being moved across the door in an empty bedroom, trousers flying around the room and people being awoken by loud clapping sounds.

Lady in Red

Location: Liverpool - Royal Court Theatre
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 1990s (lady), 1970s (Cavalier)
Further Comments: One member of staff witnessed a ghostly older lady wearing a red cardigan in the bar area, while a few years earlier two stagehands watched a ghostly Cavalier emerge from a wall who turned to face the men before disappear through the same wall. The site is also reputed to be haunted by a former caretaker.


Location: Liverpool - Royal Infirmary
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Unknown
Further Comments: The old house which once stood here before the hospital was the scene of the ultimate wedding day disaster in which the bride fell to her death from an upper story window while her guests partied on below. Her shade has been reported by nurses in the newer building.

Birds flying around the Royal Liver Building.

Liver Birds

Location: Liverpool - Royal Liver Building
Type: Legend
Date / Time: Still present
Further Comments: Several myths exist concerning the two metal birds perched on the Liver Building, all relating to the birds coming to life and departing the city, resulting in its downfall. One myth says the birds face away from each other to ensure they do not fall in love and become animated, while another story says if an honest man and a virgin woman meet and fall in love in front of the birds, the statues would spring into life.

Old Man

Location: Liverpool - Royal Philharmonic Hall
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Unknown
Further Comments: Little is known about this shade that is sometimes seen drifting around the building.

Former Slaves

Location: Liverpool - Royal Southern Hospital
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Twentieth century
Further Comments: Once held in cells on the site where the hospital was later constructed, many of the slaves still haunt this area.

A city appearing in the clouds.


Location: Liverpool - Skies above town
Type: Other
Date / Time: 27 September 1846
Further Comments: A white city appeared for a short time over Liverpool - it was thought to be a mirage of Edinburgh, though no one could identify any of the buildings.

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